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Thread #171871   Message #4180364
Posted By: Helen
31-Aug-23 - 03:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Trump INDICTED AGAIN x4 (NO new Trmp threads)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump INDICTED AGAIN x4 (NO new Trmp threads)
Relating this topic to music.

Ten times musicians told politicians to quit playing their music

The article lists ten instances where politicians have used music without permission and then there is this at the end:

"Former US president Donald Trump is a serial offender when it comes to using artists' music without their permission.

"In fact, the list of musicians who've condemned him for doing so is now so long it has its own Wikipedia page, with the tracks in question serving as a pretty impressive playlist in their own right.

"Trump's refusal to even attempt to find artists whose opinions align with his own means his rally attendees have so far rocked out to a long list of liberal icons, including Neil Young, Bruce Springsteen, the White Stripes and — inexplicably — the Village People.

'R.E.M. singer Michael Stipe perhaps put it most succinctly in 2015, when he criticised the Trump campaign for playing the band's music.

" 'Go f*** yourselves, the lot of you — you sad, attention-grabbing, power-hungry little men. Do not use our music or my voice for your moronic charade of a campaign,' Stipe said.   '