The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172634   Message #4180664
Posted By: Donuel
05-Sep-23 - 08:16 AM
Thread Name: Putin songs
Subject: RE: Putin songs
I do not blame western wire services for having to rely upon revenue while reporting. Some editors are worse than others. The worst media willingly lie for their primary motivation which is revenue.

Of course, Art influences civilization but so does religion, science, ideology, and populist cult figures, Each belief system has its good and bad aspect like science has had evolution and eugenics,

There are artists in this thread who do not know their own potential.
Masterpieces are not an everyday occurrence but they still happen.
What a song can do is unpredictable but I agree they do not remove landmines alone.

Spike Jones spoke to GIs with when the Feurer says we are the master race.

When der fuehrer says we is de master race
We heil heil right in der fueher's face
Not to love der fuehrer is a great disgrace
So we heil heil right in der fuehrer's face
When Herr Goebbels says we own the world and space
We heil heil right in Herr Goebbels' face
When Herr Goring says they'll never bomb this place
We heil heil right in Herr Goring's face
Are we not he supermen Aryan pure supermen
Ja we are the supermen (super duper supermen)
Is this Nazi land so good
Would you leave it if you could
Ja this Nazi land is good
We would leave it if we could
We bring the world to order
Heil Hitler's world to order
Everyone of foreign race
Will love der fuehrer's face
When we bring to the world this order
When der fuehrer says we is de master race
We heil heil right in der fueher's face
Not to love der fuehrer is a great disgrace
So we heil heil right in der fuehrer's face
When der fuehrer says we is de master race
We heil heil right in der fueher's face
Not to love der fuehrer is a great disgrace
So we heil heil right in der fuehrer's face

Silly yes, but influential. The next Putin song does not need to be silly but Vlad's stature is comical on its face.