Great talk, Brian. (Great photo of the rustbucket Lloyd sailed on too!)
My enjoyment of "Leviathan" ca1970 was spoiled by the realization that some of the songs (like "Wings of a Gull") had obviously been rewritten in British style (without acknowledgment) from tuneless American material in Gale Huntington's "Songs the Whalemen Sang."
Lloyd's intentional fudging and faking, presented under cover of scholarly care and erudition, plus his supposedly rich fieldwork (whose very existence seems dubious) makes it hard for me to listen to him now with anything like my former enjoyment. As I've noted before, all he had to do was say (as Martin Carthy does), "my version of," "inspired by," "I've improved on the tune," or the like, and we wouldn't be having these discussions.
Lloyd's reputation as a popularizer, moreover, would then stand unsullied.