The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172676   Message #4180812
Posted By: and e
06-Sep-23 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: I Love My Wife / I Love My Gal (Bawdy)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: I Love My Wife / I Love My Gal (Bawdy)

I love my gal,
Yes I do, yes I do,
I love her truly
I her whole----family.

I love her sis, her lilly white sis
Her nut brown auntie
I could eat her grits
Chomp, chomp, gobble, gobble
With a rusty spoon.

January 18, 2006, transcription of field recording of Ian Cumming. He said this was a cleaned up version for mixed company.

Listen here: