The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169212 Message #4180933
Posted By: GerryM
07-Sep-23 - 10:55 PM
Thread Name: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Songs, poems, recitations, instrumentals and monologues from the Mudcat Worldwide Zoom singaround of 4/5 September 2023, in the order in which they were presented. Thanks to Moorley Man and Casey much help. Corrections and comments always welcome.
Free and Easy Words (poem) Places (poem) Testament (recitation) The Original Chauvinist Pig Slithering (ttto Streets of Laredo) Summer's End (poem) Donkey Riding Sin (ttto The Parting Glass) See How the Winds Do Blow (aka Candlelight Fisherman) Life Passes By (sung in English, with one verse in French; "La vie s'écoule, la vie s'enfuit") Martin Said to His Man (aka Who's the Fool Now) Heritage (poem) Geronimo's Cadillac The Yellow Yorlin Old Fid O Sinner Man Light From the Lighthouse Bread and Roses Send Me to Glory in a Glad Bag Slaggy Island Farewell Harbors of Home Rocks and Trees Buddy Can You Spare a Dime? Early to Rise Another Life (poem) Queen Matilda (monologue) Come Along You Drunken Bums I Hold Your Hand in Mine The Summer Land (poem) The Deaf Woman's Courtship (aka Old Woman; Old Woman's Courtship) I'm a Hippie Freak (ttto I'm an Old Cowhand) The Dancing Years Turning Toward the Morning (piano instrumental) Birmingham Sunday (ttto I Once Loved a Lass, aka The False Bride) More Than Enough Inner-body Travel (poem) Jolly Mon Sing Joe Hill (aka I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night) Joe Hill's Last Will Sailor's Prayer Frankie's Trade Old Fastnet The Topman and the Afterguard Came to See Me Yesterday Midsummer Hymn Lucy Your Name is Light Einstein the Genius Brother Can You Spare a Buck? (ttto Buddy Can You Spare a Dime?) Man of Extinction (poem) Bunessan (piano instrumental; tune used for Morning has Broken) Jimmy's Song (aka Sing for the Boys) There is Power in a Union (ttto There is Power in the Blood) They're Taking it Away Interesting Times