The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145654   Message #4180947
Posted By: Brian Peters
08-Sep-23 - 06:54 AM
Thread Name: A.L.Lloyd & Sea Chanties
Subject: RE: A.L.Lloyd & Sea Chanties
Thanks Gibb and Lighter for those comments. I'm particularly glad that the Zappa clip rang a bell - the audience reaction to the reveal, when I've given the talk live, is one I cherish. I do remember the name Ray Collins - he was credited with 'Swell vocals' as against FZ's 'Low-grade vocals' on one of the Mothers' LPs, as I recall.

Off the cuff: Your discussion of "Go to Sea Once More," and Lloyd's tune, reminded me: Doesn't Hugill (SfSS) use that tune? Which brings us back to whether Hugill corroborates Lloyd (whereas Carpenter's Barry singers do not) or whether Hugill pinched it from Lloyd.

SfSS does indeed use that tune for Hugill's second version - the first uses what I consider the standard tune in oral tradition. The chicken-and-egg question is the crux of this, and I'm not sure anyone has an answer yet. I think it's possible that SH would have regarded Lloyd as an authentic source, given the whaling experience.

Without Lloyd and his contemporaries ther probably would not have been a UKfolk revival as we knew it.

I think that's what I just said on Facebook...