The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172397   Message #4181669
Posted By: and e
15-Sep-23 - 02:22 AM
Thread Name: Origins: I Wonder What's Under a Scotsman's Kilt
Subject: RE: Origins: I Wonder What's Under a Scotsman's Kilt
....I have a copy of "Dance to the Fiddle, March to the Fife", 651 instrumental
folk tunes of Pennsylvania. #539 is a variant of "The Campbells are
Coming" and is titled as above. The two lines to the lyric are quoted:

O Tommy come tickle me, I'll show you where;
Just under my navel there's a great bunch of hair;

I can see in my minds eye a kilted Highland Lassie in a sweet voice
singing this song, but,,,,,,,

I've been told that the words are in the unexpurgated edition of
"The Merry Muses of Caledonia" by Robert Burns, but I e-mailed a
bookstore clerk today about the Hyde Park NY, reproduction of the
book and she didn't find those lines in there. Can someone help
with either the song itself, or further info on the different
editions of "Merry Muses"?

Jeff Smith

March 19, 2004, Posted by Ironmule in the O Tommy Come Tickle Me mudcat thread.

See post here: