The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132032   Message #4181680
Posted By: GUEST,MichaelKM
15-Sep-23 - 05:35 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Lloyd's Coast of Peru
Subject: RE: Origins: Lloyd's Coast of Peru
Lighter has drawn attention to 'Captain Bunker' in John Ross Browne's 'Etchings of a Whaling Cruise' and comments that it has elements of three songs in it. He says that it is hard to know what to make of it. I think that it is an excellent example of the 'folk process' in action. The singer, Tom, is said to be a better fiddler than singer but a good singer none the less and is prevailed upon to sing 'Captain Bunker'. He says that he used to know some 'bang-up' songs but had somehow forgotten them all. What we have in 'Captain Bunker' are elements of three half-remembered songs combined into one.

To get back to Lloyd's 'Coast of Peru', it is a long time since I listened to it but I can say that the versions in the EP 'The Coast of Peru' and in 'Leviathan' differ. Despite the reference to 'the mate in the main chains' in the liner notes to 'Leviathan', these words are not in that version. They do occur in the earlier version, however.