The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4181781
Posted By: Charmion
16-Sep-23 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
The Getaway organizers want everyone in attendance to prove inoculation and to test negative before and during the event.I emailed my Province of Ontario vaccination certificate to the registrar with a question: Are five anti-COVID jabs good enough, although the most recent was almost a year ago, or must I get jabbed again before attending? I ask this because the Ministry of Health has a new vaccine, developed to target the latest variant, and it won't be distributed until late October. I don't fancy getting jabbed twice if I don't have to.

Beautiful weather in Perth County this week, markedly less hot and definitely chilly at night. I switched the thermostat from Cool to Heat on Thursday, when I arose to personal gooseflesh and an indoor temperature of 17.5C. Within half an hour, both cats were ensconced in meatloaf position on top of floor vents.

My personal fitness program is going well so far -- extended walks every day, greatly encouraged by conditions outside. Also, my annual bout of autumnal hay-fever has subsided, so I can huff all that delicious fresh air without wheezing and sneezing. The tourists are still in town, however, supporting the theory that man remains vile even when every prospect pleases.