The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36608 Message #4181826
Posted By: Donuel
17-Sep-23 - 07:14 AM
Thread Name: What's the weather like where you are?
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
As we fly through the tipping points of global warming There are a hundred million or more evangelicals, Q anon and Trumpists who actually want end times because that's when Jesus will return. The rest of us are doing our part by bringing bags to the store or charging an electric car from coal power plants.
Fires, floods, and heat killed people in the hundreds and now in the tens of thousands. Usually, when something really bad happens we band together and get things done. So the question is, how bad will things have to be before we all join to confront a problem like climate?
Millions died from a pandemic that has nothing to do with the weather but a single close person seems to have more impact than millions of strangers. Perhaps millions lost to climate isn't enough to mobilize the world. Is a billion enough ? If a billion of only the poorest people died they may hardly be missed. Five billion people would probably have the desired impact but what could be done by then?