The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172712   Message #4182446
Posted By: Anne Lister
25-Sep-23 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: A guided tour of Ratcliffe Highway
Subject: RE: A guided tour of Ratcliffe Highway
Dear Hoot
You seem to have misunderstood the point of my posts and the content. I haven't ever suggested that the Whopper was named after Wapping. I did, however, several times say that when I lived in Wapping there was a tale that the terms "whopper" and "whopping" came from the stories of bodies of hanged pirates being left - in Wapping, if that wasn't clear enough - for three tides to wash over them, thus leaving them bloated. And therefore it was quite funny that an American company should choose the name for their burger, as the connotations (in Wapping, at least) were far from appetising.
It is a piece of folklore, which was circulating in the area. It may well not be true, but that's a feature of folklore. I don't know why it doesn't make sense to you and I can't help that. I can only tell you (and Ians, who has clearly found another iteration of the same bit of folklore and doesn't believe it either) that that was, and may still be, Wapping folklore.
Unfortunately this is one of those social media moments which are quite difficult. I had thought this was an amicable thread with people contributing knowledge and experience. I lived and worked in Wapping. I have always been a storyteller and collector of anecdotes and local history. It is somewhat insulting to have that called into question because you don't understand, or like, or want to hear.
Thank you to Guest for reminding me about the Town of Ramsgate, and indeed the Turk's Head, which was going to be made into a local museum at one point. I used to go walking down Wapping Lane, and on past the Town of Ramsgate, very frequently. The whole area is very different now.