The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4182818
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
01-Oct-23 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Progress yesterday: the front was mowed and part of it was trimmed. I'm not good at taking out a broom to sweep grass off of the driveway at the same time (I hate blowers and it's a waste of water to hose it off). If it sits there for a day it dries and is much easier to sweep away. I'll go out this afternoon and take care of that. The glitter left the porch in the evening and I'm next looking at antique table cloths, runners, pillow covers, etc. The double damask tablecloths can sell on eBay but the rest is small linen and cotton pieces are fussy and there is a nominal return for the work to list them.

The kitchen is clean and the table is set for lunch. I'm working on cooking/baking several things this morning to be ready by noon. One of the friends coming over is involved in a slow-motion declutter of his old electronic equipment. So far I've helped him move out towers, a CRT monitor, large TV, printers, hard drives, and other gadgets. Today he is bringing another batch that my ex (who resides in FW) will take over to the Fort Worth recycle station (it is on FW property adjacent to our village and named for our village, but we can't use it - go figure!). I cleaned the ancient stainless steel dutch oven that sits on the patio with dog water and will send them into the yard once company arrives (they love company but they could knock over one disabled friend). That pot washed up in the creek one day and while I haven't used it for cooking it works for the dogs.

This reminds me I haven't gone down to walk the creek for a long time; I usually go to find fossils.

This weekend I moved furniture in the sewing studio and am trying a new arrangement of the small table that has served to hold some of the regularly used small tools between the two sewing machines. Being able to find what I need when I need it is the key to this working.