The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4183361
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
10-Oct-23 - 02:39 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
I'm sorry you fell - though I'd have paid money to see that roll, Charmion! It sounds impressive. I'm glad someone saw the bruise just to be sure it isn't anything more.

My haircut tomorrow has been postponed so my quiet week at home continues. I missed a docent training today, but I can get caught up next week. The neti pot is deployed a couple of times a day to sooth the sinuses. It sometimes used to smart to use table salt in the water; I switched to using pickling salt and it feels great (Pickling salt doesn't have additives to keep it from clumping and no iodine, etc.)

This afternoon I'll poke around in the garden to work the soil for planting my zucchini and cucumbers started from seed. It won't be too vigorous because this soil was worked once in the spring and will be pliable after the big rain last week. I hate to miss taking advantage of good weather, but the fence will wait another week.