The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172806   Message #4186117
Posted By: GUEST
29-Oct-23 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: Accompanying Trad Tunes Standard Guitar
Subject: RE: Accompanying Trad Tunes Standard Guitar
double jigs consist of six quavers per bar, emphasis on first and lesser emphasis on 4th beat.
double jigs have six quavers to the bar..
single jig are written in twelve 8.
slip jigs are in nine 8 there is an emphasis on first fourth and seventh quavers, according to Alistair Anderson
Slip jigs
Slip jigs are in 9 Eight
8 time. Because of the longer measures, they are longer than the reel and the light jig, with the same number of bars to the music.[15] The dance is performed high on the toes, and is often considered the "ballet of Irish dance" because of its graceful movements that seem to slip the performers across the floor. Slip jigs are performed at a speed of 113 bpm at feiseanna.