The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172806   Message #4186126
Posted By: Helen
26-Oct-23 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: Accompanying Trad Tunes Standard Guitar
Subject: RE: Accompanying Trad Tunes Standard Guitar
A couple of years ago my Hubby and I went to a performance of an Aussie band called The Backsliders which used to play blues with a distinctive driving rhythm. We had both seen them perform about 30 years ago and we have one of their albums and really like it. We were looking forward to seeing them perform live, but when they started playing the drummer kept up a very loud, rock 'n' roll beat which overpowered the other two musicians, who then had to keep up with that loud beat. All of the nuances of the guitarist's and the harmonica player's rhythm and blues style was thrown totally out of the window.

At half time we walked out. We were extremely disappointed.

Now, I'm not trying to steer this discussion towards drummers but it was a clear example of one of the musicians taking over the entire sound of the band and making it into something completely different. They were "just another rock band" in my estimation and had lost all of the elements which made them different and interesting.