The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172831   Message #4186400
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
30-Oct-23 - 01:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hamas attacks Israel - part II
Subject: BS: Hamas attacks Israel - part II
The original thread is suffering from a disk error glitch and I'm seeing stray remarks come up in other places. The rules still apply - stick to the subject, don't post a coherent remark about the war following a jab at someone you disagree with because the whole thing will vanish. If the other thread returns before this one is too unwieldy, they can be merged.

The Times of Israel has reported that following forensic examination of a skull piece that a German-Israeli young woman is most likely dead, that she couldn't live without that piece of her skull. This is not the news of hostages that the world is waiting for. I don't read the local papers much (the Times or Al Jazeera) these days because it they are conducting a propaganda slug-fest.

And in a truly bizarre twist, a mob in Dagestan pushed into an airport where a plane landed from Israel. They were looking for Jews. Putin calls meeting after mob storms Dagestan airport looking for Israelis on jet from Tel Aviv.
MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin called a meeting of security and law enforcement officials Monday, the day after a mob stormed the airport in the southern region of Dagestan after a flight from Israel landed there.

Hundreds of angry men, some carrying banners with antisemitic slogans, rushed onto the tarmac of the airport in Makhachkala, the capital of the predominantly Muslim region, on Sunday night, looking for Israeli passengers on the flight from Tel Aviv, according to Russian news reports.

More than 20 people were injured, with two in critical condition, Dagestan’s Health Ministry said. The injured included police officers and civilians, it said. . . . The crowd that rushed onto the tarmac Sunday night surrounded the jet belonging to the Russian carrier Red Wings with seemingly little resistance from the police, Russian news outlets reported.

Video and photos on social media showed some in the crowd waving Palestinian flags, and some trying to overturn a police car. Others held handwritten banners saying, “Child killers are not welcome in Dagestan” and “We’re against Jewish refugees.”

There also were shouts of “Allahu akbar!” or “God is great.”

Some in the crowd, which also was seen roaming the terminal, examined passports of arriving passengers, apparently in an attempt to identify those who were Israeli. The riot was later broken up.

Meanwhile Putin is trying to suggest that the remaining Jewish residents in Russia are safe. Are there any Russian-Israeli hostages reported? Is there such a thing?