The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172831   Message #4186404
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
03-Nov-23 - 08:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hamas attacks Israel - part II
Subject: RE: BS: Hamas attacks Israel - part II
Netanyahu seems to have the bit in his teeth, the missile controls in his hands, and is ignoring anyone who tells him he needs to back off and spare civilians.

And in other awful news, the Palestinian workers in Israel who were detained by Israel were deported to Gaza, their papers and permission to work erased. This comes from the American ABC news network, but they source the Hamas Health Ministry, so the numbers are probably inflated.

Israel deports thousands of Palestinian workers back to Gaza's war zone
Israel has deported thousands of workers to the besieged Gaza Strip, capping what many described as harrowing weeks trapped in legal limbo since their detention when the Israel-Hamas war erupted
Those who were arrested were sent to the Anatot and Ofer military prisons in the West Bank. There, workers said, they were blindfolded, interrogated, beaten repeatedly and deprived of water and food for extended periods.

“For three days, we remained handcuffed and blindfolded,” said al-Sajda, the Palestinian worker returned to Gaza Friday. "They would put us under the sun for two, three or four hours, with no water, food or anything.”

The ailing 61-year-old farmer, Warsh Agha, was released in bad shape and later died, laborers told his relatives in the northern city of Beit Lahiya. His body bore signs of severe beating, said his nephew, but hospitals in Gaza were too overwhelmed with the war-wounded to perform an autopsy or issue a medical report, his family said.

Israeli rights groups say Israel detained the workers without charge, due process or legal representation at a fraught time while their families in Gaza endured Israel’s devastating bombardment. Over 9,000 Palestinians have died in the fighting, according to the Health Ministry in the Hamas-run territory.

“They had valid permits to be in Israel and work there,” said Miriam Marmur, public advocacy director at Gisha, an Israeli rights group that promotes freedom of movement for Palestinians. “They suddenly lost their status. They were in danger from anyone — army, police, any random Israeli who sees them.”

The scope of Israel's round-up remains unclear. As many as 10,000 deported Palestinians crossed back into Gaza Friday, said Wael Abu Omar, the spokesperson of Gaza's border crossings. Relieved families showered them with kisses at the Kerem Shalom border crossing in southern Gaza. The Israeli Prime Minister's Office and Defense Ministry declined to provide an exact figure.

Any sympathy that was available when the first Hamas terrorism happened has evaporated. The Israelis are just as bad, they are also terrorists at this point. "A Plague on both your houses."

Another story from CNN.