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Thread #172831   Message #4186418
Posted By: Lighter
31-Oct-23 - 09:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hamas attacks Israel - part II
Subject: RE: BS: Hamas attacks Israel - part II
No, Steve, I didn't mean you.

Was the WP used to kill civilians? What was it used for, and what did it do? Use of white phosphorous shells is not in itself prohibited.

And whatever one might think of them, cluster bombs are still legal - unless you have more detailed information about the Convention than I do. The Convention specifically allows cluster munitions of certain sizes anyway.


"According to international law, using human shields constitutes a war crime, while the party responsible for the death of human shields is not the one killing them – if the attack is proportionate – but instead, the one deploying them."

Hamas consciously brought this on themselves and their people to generate international outrage against Israel. In this they have been remarkably successful - even though their eight-hour spree of murder, arson, rape, and torture on Israel was absolutely a series of crimes.

According to CNN, even in "peacetime," Hamas lobs two or three rockets a day into Israel. Hamas has explicitly pledged to destroy Israel and its Jewish citizens.