Here's some balderdash from Lloyd (1972) saying that this shanty goes slower "by nature"? He really means, by his choice to make the song like that and pretend that was how he found it." it is not a competition about research, as you seem to be suggesting , it is a question of claiming to know what BERT meant when he was introducing a song at a gig. the only person who would know is lloyd. I am not arguing about Lloyds scholastic shortcomings I am pointing out that good scholarship involves not making wild statements that cannot be backed up , until gibb does so i think he is lloyd bashing. if he can prove that he knows what lloyd meant on that particular occasion, that chanGes the situation Steve i have spent years on the folkscene reading and absorbing articles etc, on all aspects of folk music , through that research i knew years ago that lloyd had scholastic weakness, but i do not make wild statements without evidence about somebody who has been dead many years and cannot answer,it is imo in bad taste