The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145654   Message #4187919
Posted By: GUEST
10-Sep-23 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: A.L.Lloyd & Sea Chanties
Subject: RE: A.L.Lloyd & Sea Chanties
Chris Roche Shanty Crew Graphic
Maritime singer, historian, speaker, traveller.
Shanty Crew

Jun 1973 - Present50 years 4 months

Surrey, UK

Chris edits the Journal of the IACH the International Association of Cape Horner's for that group of people who have voyaged under sail alone to reach Cape Horn he gives a number of illustrated talks on his voyages in square rigged traditional sailing ships to the Southern Oceans, and other of his maritime explorations these, at times include shanties and sailor songs which Chris learnt from his mentor the late Stan Hugill the last British sailor-man to sing these old songs for the purpose of work at sea.