The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145654   Message #4187928
Posted By: GUEST,Georgina Boyes
12-Sep-23 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: A.L.Lloyd & Sea Chanties
Subject: RE: A.L.Lloyd & Sea Chanties
Yes, BOUK, I did write quite a bit about Lloyd in "The Imagined Village" - the book's still available via No Masters website if you want to judge the whole thing.

For ease of access, however, you might want to look at the Introduction to "The Singing Englishman" that I wrote at Rod Stradling's for the book's republication in Musical Tradition.

From memory too, I think Dave Harker devoted a chapter of "Fakesong" to Lloyd. I think he subtitled it "The One that Got Away".