Whoever said that the folk song revival is a continuance of tradition?
Dick, to open this most recent bump, and with a nod to TikTok and Wellerman on top.
I know folk clubs, lecture halls, video games, TikTok &c &c each have unique traditions of their very own. Some do more 'production value' than others than others but all of it is arts & entertainment. And I too do not find the mutual admiration bubbles, that so often comes with each, all that helpful neither.
In plain English, fiction is not fact and LLoyd, folk clubs, lecture halls &c &c are neither chanties as work song nor hard naval science. Not that there is anything wrong with either art or science being what they are. It's just the typical, one-label-fits-all, glossary that was never really in keeping with the many "traditions." Until that situation improves, (not holding my breath) asterisks are free, and that's a good thing.