From: GUEST Date: 06 Mar 23 - 11:24 PM Wellerman therEfore is helping to keep the tradition alive even though[ according to Phil d'Conch it has nothing to do with naval sciEnce While not decrieng Naval Science, keeping the tradition alive is very important
Dick, wellll... I sure thought I was replying to you at the time. I tend to do that with a mystery "guest" and you in the same thread. My bad, if the above post was not yours.
Whomever it be's, the authentic/traditional/working "sea chanty/shanty" label still fits English folk club and pop repitoire about as well as it fits Howe! Hissa! or The Complaynt of Scotland (the latter an iomramh, iorram, iram, iurram, joram, juram or jurram or... anything at all but English!) Neither did the sailors on the Gazela call them "shanties." Their 2400+ year histories and traditions are not about African-Americans, cotton screwers or the Gulf of Mexico.
Hard Naval Science is from an entirely different planet Earth than Hugill, Whall, Lloyd, Gibb, Reidler et al.