The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12781   Message #4188
Posted By: Teru
22-Apr-97 - 05:19 AM
Thread Name: ADD: Rank Strangers (Albert E. Brumley)
Subject: Copy of the lost threads 7(Susan)

Oh, I have forgotten an important thread.




Posting requests - beyond title

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From Date

Susan of DT 04/14/97

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Posting requests - beyond title From: Susan of DT Date: 04/14/97

We have been discussing how to title threads, but there are other issues within the request. People often ask for something about title XXX as sung by YYY and do not give a fragment of the song. This limits responses to people who know both song and singer. Other people who know the song, but not the recording referred to, are not likely to be able to respond. Give us all more hints whenever you can. Thanx.


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