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Thread #171871   Message #4188753
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
06-Oct-23 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Trump INDICTED AGAIN x4 (NO new Trmp threads)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump INDICTED AGAIN x4 (NO new Trmp threads)
Infighting is so unattractive, and as entertaining as it can be for a couple of days, it sets an even nastier tone for the rest of the term. Meanwhile, the current avatar of public petting doesn't want her buddy Matt kicked out for being a douche: Lauren Boebert said it would be 'childish, vengeful' for Republicans to remove Matt Gaetz after he led McCarthy's ousting.

Politico sheds light on the Trump for speaker discussion: How Trump was talked into — and out of — a run for speaker
Just hours after Kevin McCarthy was deposed as House speaker, the “draft Trump” movement began.

“I called him and I said, ‘Sir, I’m nominating you for the speaker of the House,’” said Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas), describing a Tuesday call to former President Donald Trump. “I said, ‘I think that you would do a great job fixing the brokenness we see in the Congress.’”

So began a wild 48-hour scramble that saw Trump openly pondering a quixotic bid to become the first nonmember to be elected speaker before his political advisers and House allies managed to convince him it was a terrible idea.

The Trump-for-speaker bubble officially popped early Friday morning, when he took sides in the brewing battle between Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.).

Meanwhile, ever since Trump's petulant departure from the courtroom on Wednesday midday the trial has gone much smoother. And even though Trump is still trying for delays to postpone the inevitable, today some some of his executives testify.

The biggest nugget to hit the news yesterday was the over-sharing that Trump did with the Australian rich guy, who then went and told ~80 people about US nuclear submarine strategy and how close they could get to Russia undetected. Putin is saving a lot of money on spys now that Trump has been in office and after. As noted, this is a separate crime that could be charged, but in terms of proving, more difficult since it is a he said/he said kind of testimony involved.