The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4188974
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
12-Sep-23 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
The quilting tutorials I'm watching have come around to the organization of the sewing room - having the three most important stations in good proximity (sewing machine, cutting table, ironing board) and for everything else - it can involve a major declutter before deciding how to organize it. Will this be my project that finally evicts all of the storage containers that hold my mother's unfinished projects? There are a couple I thought about trying, but some I have no interest in. I think Freecycle will be the avenue out of the house for those (and I should have done this anyway.)

Meanwhile, I chipped away more of the huge tree root that blocks construction of my last fence panel, stopping when the reciprocating saw battery ran out. And the last of the pickets have been painted with wood preservative. I have a whole gallon and only needed to paint four pickets, but it is clear so can be used for other wood projects in the future and it keeps well.

With the weather shift coolers are put away (one was on the porch with water for the mail carrier, another next to the side door to take shopping for bringing home cold groceries). We're more closely duplicating the conditions people on the east coast have complained about - our temperatures are lower finally but the humidity shot up. I don't need the coolers but I still need the ceiling fan and the air conditioner to pull the moisture out of the house.