The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4189036
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
20-Sep-23 - 05:44 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
she who dies with the most (insert type of craft materials) wins!!

I recently found homes for 3 collections - books on historic costume (dancers who make & wear elaborate, historically accurate 19th century gowns), 18" dolls dressed using the books (musician who plays for the dancers), & teddy bears I made (her daughter - both do a lot of craft & have lotsa' stashes!) Books filled most of 2 large bookshelves which now contain almost all of my (un-filed) craft stuff!

Much of it was on a long heavy coffee table I'd found in the back lane years ago (it was fun getting it up the back stairs, fortunately a neighbour came along & she took one end!) more of it was under said table & in front of said table, almost blocking the view of the dolls in their cabinet. Half of what is left on the table is 5 big bags of yarn I bought for a friend who knits for charity, the rest will fit on an empty shelf!!!! Then I'll be able to see the dolls before they are eventually taken away. Unfortunately the cabinet will not be going with the dolls, but I know a charity that will take it.

One of my boxes of craft stuff is full of felt as I used to make & teach felt toys, I'll be using a piece or 2 in an embroidery project, but haven't used it for a long time (oops - do I really need a whole box?) Another stash is a wooden trunk full of yarn & padded coathangers. I knit covers for them for a charity shop ...

We have a charity that runs craft shops, where we take our unwanted stuff & buy someone else's unwanted stuff. Sometimes I take back stuff I've bought & when I pop off the twig my poor sister will take my stash there after my crafty friends take what they want to add to their stashes!

So many projects, so much to start or complete, then keep or gift, but I've recently made stuff for others (4 banners for Sydney Folk Festival) & some contributions to a 3 metre wallhanging - all the fun of creating something then it goes on it's way!