The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4189057
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
29-Aug-23 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

Came back here on Tuesday, with a stop for muffins at the Hidden Gold Mine. Trying to bring the house back to a Dorothy state from the chaos of the Robin state. Every single piece of cutlery was in the sink and had to be washed, washed again harder! and then again. We agreed this would not happen again! The dishes were in a controlled state. I guess a month is too long to stay away!

Robin was still coughing badly - I washed bedding twice to avoid re-distributing whatever germs... Then decided things were improved sufficiently. His bro is also coughing and has been to clinic but no meds? R finished his anti-biotic, is coughing less but still exhausted. His cough is similar to the one I still have after ?? years from the mold at the Mill - not surprising as he got it from cleaning a dreadful building. It is in the lungs and, I believe, may never go away completely. Sometimes I do not cough for a few hours or a day or two and think all is well, then it starts again - the plague of my life. A part of me is glad he now realizes what I have gone through.

So! Basically, I came back for the Chateauguay Valley Antique Association (event). Spent a wonderful weekend of visits with people, sold enough pots to make it a "success", listened to live Country music, had a tent for the first time and... It POURED rain on Sat - a couple times! Rita (next door) and I provided shelter for all who could fit! Met a whole bunch of Rita and Dan's family - they were having a family event later. Interesting genetics! Terrific positive energy!

This is my fav event of the year - Such a wonderful community of people volunteering and selling stuff/junk/treasures. The auction took 2 days this year and R was there for most of it! Came away with a whole bunch of stuff - some for re-sale and some just because he was "helping the auctioneer" get a bid and ended up being the only bid! A beautiful Victorian love seat and chair that I am trying to figure a place for them - if only he would get rid of the UGLY ones ...

Wore a jacket all day Sunday! I never put that warm layer away! Was glad I thought to grab this light jacket on the way out the door from Beaver! This weather is just fine for me - cool, damp, sometimes sunny.

So, inch by inch, I regain energy, find us food, cook very little, weeded the gardens a little, watched a squirrel sit on the porch railing to groom then went into the large pot of cherry tomato plants to eat one and left the rest... Last eve, I opened back door to go pick in the garden and startled to two rabbits, apologized and went out later to pick the few new cherry tomatoes. We had about a quart each of Sat and Sunday, took them to event and gave most of them to Rita and family, who declared them delicious. (I do not eat raw tomatoes.) We have a pumpkin (not watermelon) slowly turning orange; guess I will make pumpkin pies.

Got a new credit card, sent to local bank after someone got the number and tried to buy stuff where I NEVER would. I got two phone calls which I immediately hung up and phoned VISA to tell them and was told everything was fine. An hour later, card was declined at two separate stores. Phoned VISA and... All is well.

Big happening was a young woman stopping to look at pottery and mentioning that her... was a potter - Kingsport, Newfoundland! "You are related to Ruth... !!!!???" (My friend who died suddenly in October - a total trauma.) We both started to cry and share our pain of loss, and I was able to find out how the widower and son are doing! Then, the "cousin" of one of Canada's top potters bought a bowl!

Then I sat and dealt with renewed grief. Ruth choked (I did not ask) a few hours after I saw her, and Fred, vibrantly alive at a folk music event. I was so elated to see her and thinking how wonderful it would be to visit now that we were "post Covid). BOOM!

I have a small pic of her on my bureau to which I say, "Good morning, Ruth!". Erin has it on her wall to greet in the morning. A more beautiful human than Ruth - equal perhaps but not more... She was the epitome of loving, sharing, giving, helping, caring...