The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172634   Message #4189732
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
26-Aug-23 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: Putin songs
Subject: RE: Putin songs
The only problem with the above arguments is that "Hitler has only got one ball!" is a better folksong than anybody on this site can aspire to. Its pithy, abusive, memorable and tells ir like it was. Hitler was a wanker.

And furthermore the song sticks it to the current crop of holocaust deniers, and educators who seemed to have passed onto my nephew that the notion that WW2 was 'six of one half a dozen of the other'. Does it explain von Runstedt's relationship with Hitler? No, but it does what it can. It gives the powerless a voice.

Prose can do its job, poetry its job , verse its job and song can do its job.