The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172682   Message #4190157
Posted By: GUEST,BlackAcornUK
09-Sep-23 - 07:09 AM
Thread Name: PITCH PIPES: which ones, best usage etc
Subject: RE: PITCH PIPES: which ones, best usage etc
Background: I'm a relatively novice folk session singer - I started in late 2019 before being curtailed by the pandemic, and only resumed last autumn.

I'm trying to get to sessions more regularly again, and have been boosted by encouraging feedback;

However, I'm experiencing persistent challenges with finding the right key to begin with, even for very familiar songs that are 'core' to my compact but steadily growing repertoire.

Variations seem greater when nervous, tired, even depending on what I'm drinking;

An additional challenge is that at home, when 'rehearsing', I sing at lower volumes - but in clubs, with adrenaline + the fact that I tend to go for big chorus songs that draw others in, I tend to belt it out at a fair whack, and so my voice behaves differently.

I have a standard C-C circular chromatic pipe, but I'm wondering - can they be acquired in lower ranges? I know it's possible to 'tune down', but again, with nerves etc, I'd be much more confident with a device that gives the 'true' note I want to sing.

I know there are apps etc, but I prefer the aesthetic, texture and tactility of an acoustic device.