The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172712   Message #4190401
Posted By: Steve Gardham
24-Sep-23 - 09:53 AM
Thread Name: A guided tour of Ratcliffe Highway
Subject: RE: A guided tour of Ratcliffe Highway
Anne, the Docklands Museum just atop of West India Dock might have some info on your relatives. It's a great museum. My youngest lad lives next to Millwall Dock and we have had some great walks around the Docklands area. Many of our Yorkshire vessels have ended up as houseboats in the London Docks and canals.

I have a big photo (1856) on my bedroom wall of schooners tied up at Wapping. The same photo is in the Museum.

I also sing the Ratcliffe Highway song that starts 'As I was a walking down London from Wapping to Ratcliffe Highway'. Been singing that one for over 50 years.