The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172723   Message #4190483
Posted By: GUEST,mmarlow
25-Sep-23 - 11:54 PM
Thread Name: Song request: labor songs - Gig economy
Subject: Song request: labor songs - Gig economy
Looking for modern labor songs about the gig economy

(including e.g., but not limited to: Facebook, Google, Amazon, Uber/Lyft, Doordash, Air BnB, Mechanical Turk/remotask,
AI (e.g., taking and replacing work of writers/artists/performers(deepfakes), piece work - people doing labeling)).

Patterns of these companies similar to older problematic ones - expand, eliminate competition, then concentrate value in paying stockholders (remove value from customers, workers, society, etc.); what Cory Doctorow calls enshitification.

Looking for songs with current examples to make message more relateable than classic labor songs, and highlight new challenges and opportunities.

Thank you