The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172758   Message #4190986
Posted By: GUEST,Cori
18-Oct-23 - 03:41 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Irish Tune from Daniel Boone Series
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Irish Tune from Daniel Boone Series
Phil d'Conch, hi. I have some connections with Daniel Boone. My father was a Shields and someone in the Shields family married one of Daniel Boone's children but records are incomplete and we don't know who. John Shields, the gunsmith of the Lewis and Clark expedition, my great-great-great-great uncle, was hunting buddies with Daniel Boone after returning. I have been to the Boone home and grave in Missouri, where it is believed Daniel is still buried, despite attempts to disinter him and bring him to Kentucky.

The TV show has Daniel's wife's name correct as Rebecca Bryan, but they named her father Timothy Patrick Bryan, not Joseph. He was played by John McIntire of Wagon Train fame, as a wandering ne'er-do-well who had left the family. By the time he returned, his wife had died and Rebecca had emigrated to America, where he eventually caught up with her.

Stilly River Sage, I never said that the TV show didn't play fast and loose with history. It is not even correct within its own alternate universe. For instance, Alexander Hamilton is dead in Season 2, episode 7, "The Aaron Burr Story," although that didn't happen until 1804, but is mentioned as being alive in Season 2, episode 22, "The Fifth Man," so either they traveled forward in time and then back or someone couldn't even keep things straight within the same season let alone the entire series.

I am particularly interested in the music and am keeping track of it here. If I really feel like maybe I'll do a rundown every two seasons, listing the tunes used in chronological order.