The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172758   Message #4190998
Posted By: Lighter
18-Oct-23 - 04:13 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Irish Tune from Daniel Boone Series
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Irish Tune from Daniel Boone Series
In the U.S.:

Daily National Intelligencer (Washington, D. C.) (Dec. 6, 1823), p. 2:

[In Washington, D.C.]: “Sandie succeeded…[with] ‘Roslin Castle’ and ‘Flowers of Edinboro’….Corny followed with ‘Paddy Carey’ and ‘Garry Owen.’”

Truth Teller (N.Y.C.) (Sept. 9, 1826), p. 4: "Air - Garryowen."

U.K. newspapers start mentioning the tune around 1810.