The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166828   Message #4191579
Posted By: Jim Dixon
03-Nov-23 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: British supernatural folk-songs...?
Subject: Lyr Add: WILLIE'S FATAL VISIT (from Ray Fisher)
This was mentioned by Georgina Boyes on 10 Oct 23. I found the lyrics at 3 places online, but I listened to the recording named below, and tweaked them to agree with what Ray Fisher sings. Several other singers have recorded the song also. You can hear Ray Fisher’s recording at Spotify or YouTube.

As recorded by Ray Fisher on “Traditional Songs of Scotland,” 1991.

Does my love ride, or does he rin,
Or does he walk the woods amang?
He vow’d this nicht tae come tae me.
Alas! but my love tarries lang.

He disnae ride nor does he rin,
But fast walks he along his way.
He has mair mind on his fair new love
Than he has o’ the licht o’ day.

He saw a hound draw near a hare,
And aye that hare draw near a toun,
And that same hound has won the hare,
But Willie’s won tae ne’er a toun.

For as he gaed up yon high, high hill,
And on and doon yon dowie den,
’Twas there he met wi’ a greivious ghost
That would fear ten thousand men.

He’s hurried on thro’ Mary’s Kirk,
And on and doon by Mary’s Stile,
And wan and weary was the ghost
That upon him grimly smiled.

“Aft hae ye traivell’d this road, Willie,
Aft hae ye traivell’d it in sin,
But ye’ll never traivel this road again,
For yer days on Earth are deen.

“Aft hae ye traivell’d this road, Willie,
Wi’ ne’er a thocht o’ charity,
But ye’ll never traivel this road again,
For the slightin’ o’ the bairn an’ me.

“Aft hae ye traivell’d this road, Willie,
Yer fair and new love for to see.
But ye’ll never traivel this road again,
For this nicht aveng’d I’ll be.”

Then she has ta’en her perjur’d love,
An’ she has torn him fae gair tae gair,
And on ilka side o’ Mary’s Stile
O’ Willie she has hung a share.

His faither and mither both mak moan.
His bonnie new love she grat sair.
His faither and mither both mak moan,
And his new love tears her hair.