The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4191799
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
05-Nov-23 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
The COVID resurgence for vintage sewing machines has passed; since new machines were unavailable in the volume needed to supply everyone who wanted to make PPE, the vintage machines saw a resurgence. But I've been looking at replacing one of my older machines with a newly manufactured one and see that the used market has subsided. I need to move out a couple of the older ones before I consider bringing in a new one. I didn't pay much for them but I won't make anything selling them (especially as heavy as they are - the shipping is the killer on these transactions). They will be sold for parts or repair.

I also need to identify projects I've planned to do that haven't been done and either get them going or clear out the stuff I'm not using. I was looking for sewing machines on estate sale listings this week and what I see are people with way too much stuff that their families have to sort later.

Beautiful weather this week. I've done some work on the yard and need to cross a few more outdoor projects off the list before it's cold again.