The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4191821
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
31-Oct-23 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

Arrived home about 3:30 am this morning, having learned a hard lesson: Decide ahead of time and make arrangements where/when you are sleeping. Tired after the concert and a long day exploring very rural Ontario, the phone was no help at all and we wandered for about two hours until I found an energy reserve, about 2:15 and said, "OK, it is only an hour home; I can do that." I did. R slept. We happily crawled into bed. There were still two items on the to-do list -- some other time!

If we had driven straight home after the concert, we could have been home by 1 am! These things happen when one/two is/are way over tired! If is had not been so cold, we could have slept in the car.

We woke up to a couple inches of snow on Monday! BUT the road was clear!!! Mostly R did a whole bunch of getting ready for winter tasks before we left AND we loaded some of our good dry firewood into the car - since R has not yet gotten any for Dupont. We backed up to the woodshed,onto the snow covered yard - almost level but not quite! Then - Hey - this car is front wheel drive! (I was thinking of that.) That load on the rear took some pushing, maneuvering, and gravel - some of what washed into the yard in the spring run off! BUT ---WE did it!!

Well, the 30th of October will be remembered! Not least for the concert by a friend of over 40 years - but not seen in almost 40 years. We had a good chat, partly about his lifelong "bestie" whom we had seen on Saturday night - on a better organized trip! We drove from Dupont to the fascinating venue via more rural explorations. The site, near Picton is a very retired - in places falling down - air force base. Efforts are being made to turn it into a cultural centre; the concert venue was very beautifully restored - "Sergeant's Mess".

My recovery from the event of 14 Sept is complete - with very good info from a knowledgeable sound person: "Yes P.A. systems can be set in such a way as to be difficult to understand. There are settings of frequencies that can be altered to make comprehension easier, but if not set correctly, can make voices sound off." I do wonder if anyone else had a problem with that day.(And if some fool told them they had a haring loss!) R found the sound systems in the Sergeant's Mess a bit "muddy". But the combo of lyrics and instrument make it virtually impossible for me, tho I enjoy the instruments - generally... depending...!!

Tomorrow snow tires and general maintenance!

The phone has been close to an ordeal and is not completely set up. But I am hanging in - hoping for the "listen live" feature to be helpful. The vibration is stronger and the ring and other notification sounds are a definite improvement. Still lots to figure out.

Supper tonight... Still a figment of my imagination!