The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4191822
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
05-Nov-23 - 07:40 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

I seem to be in a holding pattern this week: Recovery from weekend, groceries, minimal cooking, final outdoor bit and pieces -almost! Trip for more pastries on Friday, then about five hours in resto with Geri, chatting and trying out the "live listen" feature; it wrote out what we were each saying but some of the words were way off!

I tried out Face Time with #1 son who them shouted at me about my "hearing loss" and frequencies and on and on. Most unpleasant encounter I recall having with him. He is adamant that I need a hearing aid. Geri is also - I found out Fri! But this was the first time I found her voice dim. R listens to me without much feedback.

Hearing vs comprehending - very different. I detest loud noise so do not want anything louder. Still looking at APD and its effects and not yet sure about anything. Not wanting to spend more money on sound altering equipment! Frequencies and the fact that a sound system may be altered ... and if people do not speak directly into the mike... These all make a difference. Most of the time I have no problem hearing at all. A conundrum and the jury is still out - regardless of being browbeaten by my son. I thought he would be delighted that I Face Timed him.

Anyway, the dishes are up to date and there is cooked food in the frig and R might be home tonight --- or not. I have a small struggling fire in the wood stove - the wood we brought is not really dry enough. I need to bring in some kindling from the brush pile. Manana.