The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4191823
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
08-Nov-23 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Yesterday, it took about 8 gremlins to get me through: two women at the local library helped me print my ballot (to vote on-line in the state of Washington); one stayed on after the end of her shift to meet the goal! Then - my new phone not working at all like the old one - a call to a nice woman in Louisiana (Apple Help - I should have it on speed dial!) enabled me to get pics of said ballot onto an email. Soon, a new email informed that ballot had been received!! YAY! I voted!!
After lunch -at 4PM - I set out to go to a tribute to Leonard Cohen: Totally lost in Montreal, I stopped at a mall where two young fellows managed to pull up a map on that darn phone. This helped me head in a more correct direction but the map disappeared and I was closer but still lost.
I pulled into a side street, stopped the car and got out, intending to go to a shop for help...BUT a young man wearing a motorcycle helmet offered help: looked at his phone, told me to wait while he fetched his cycle, came back and led me to my destination!!!!! "There it is, right across the street. park here! You're welcome!" And he was gone.
It was a great eve! A great day! (It took 34 minutes to get home! I was lost for about 2 hours due to failing to write down explicit directions at home.) All we need are gremlins! Lots of them!!

So, I need more help with this Iphone which is currently more of a hazard than a help. Other than that, preparing -mentally- to deal with snow tomorrow. Hoping my energy level this afternoon will allow trip to produce store. And damp mop the floors (no carpets). The sewing room and pottery (here) are closed indefinitely - until I feel the right spurt of energy.

The woman I sat next to last night told me she loves her hearing aids, "get them, you'll love them!" I suspect they were a new part of her life. She gave me the name and location of her provider; in the same building as the CNIB- so opthamology (sp?) as well, a recently evolving concern. There was very little down time so I never found out why she was so enthusiastic. "Get them; You'll love them!" R commented -to me only - that he doubted that. Also wonder why he said that. She gave me the name of her brother who lives here in Chateauguay. But not her own! I will check out her bro, a reporter for the local paper.

At the end of the evening as the device came along to accept our payments, she passed it to the man across from her, commenting on how handy husbands are! At about the same time I was offering my card to R! (R paid.) Last weekend, I paid the tickets, he the meals; about even. I was surprised by her remark.