The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4192425
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
26-Nov-23 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

I have resigned myself to the fact that my life is now owned and run by Apple. The Live Listen worked nicely during our Thanksgiving Facetime session - two sons, one grandson and respective partners at Troy's home. I asserted: "I will call you at 10 and YOU can figure out how to turn it on (answer it?)!" All engineers except Julie, who is a smart cookie, had a great laugh over my struggle with Apple. Actually Troy is not an engineer but a retired Air traffic controller- close enough!

But telling them about my recent trip to Madoc -- yep - that Madoc! I considered gas before I left; there is no gas between B-croft and Madoc. I overestimated the gas in the tank; underestimated the distance, and realized I was not going to make it - even to Eldorado, just a bit north of Madoc! I made it through the zillion km of "nowhere at all" and every time I saw signs of life I thought -I should stop there... Finally, I did.

"Do you have any gas I can buy?" He checked 3 cans - Empty! He thought a moment and said - just leave your car here and we'll take a can to MADOC! - 15 km.

I was concerned about the woman who was waiting in Eldorado to sell me a bunch of her "Table Soups"(on FB)- my way of trying to eat well. I had told her I would be there in half an hour--- I now realize that although I can get to Madoc in 50 minutes it was now near an hour! She phoned while we were acquiring gas. And Sir Galahad said - well we can stop in Eldorado on the way back!

We did that. Michelle met a neighbour- Jeff, who makes his own soup! I got my dozen packets of soups and Jeff deposited me back at my car - "Just do something nice for someone and have a Merry Christmas!"

As for "the only Prius": There was a Tesla charging at the gas station!

I once had a poster: "I'm TIRED of these learning experience!!!"

Did I mention that I DID manage to change the time on the Prius - good youtube!

I bring in firewood and not much else, groceries, visits, bought R two nice flannel shirts and a pair of jeans at a thrift shop and a nice Land's End jacket for me and a winter coat at two more Tshops. It was so nice the day I left Dupont, I left my winter coat behind! Thankful for thrift shops!

Had Covid shot #6 on Weds and my shoulder/upper arm still uncomfortable - disconcerting but I can bring in wood. House is toasty; snow expected tonight; had one day of freezing rain- a go nowhere day!

Yep! An inch or so of snow on back deck, then "drizzle" expected tonight and temp hovering at freezing all day tomorrow. A go nowhere day. Books to read and plenty of good soup - and other healthy foods. Not breaking anything - in my bod- is what matters!

Charmion's trip to Ottawa is wisely done! Enough energy to enjoy being there, in addition to not dealing with inclement weather. I watch the weather to plan trips back and forth. May stay here until mid December - already renewed books from QC library that were due on 2.