The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172751   Message #4192468
Posted By: GUEST,RJM
27-Nov-23 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Looking for looooong songs please!
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for looooong songs please!
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for looooong songs please!
From: Felipa
Date: 23 Nov 23 - 03:26 PM

Jim Carroll posted the following on 22 Nov 20223 on a facebook group "The Ballad Tree: Traditional Folk Ballads":

"Martin Reidy of Tullochaboy, Connonlly, West Clare had the longest songs we ever recorded.
He once said 'A song isn't worth singing unless it has a few verses in it, I wouldn't give you tuppence for a short song' - his longest lasted over 15 minutes.
A shortened version: "

(there is more about Martin Reidy in Jim Carroll's fb post and at The Clare County Library website)
I would choose songs on the basis of an interesting story or interesting tune. Jim once described me on this forum as a talentless moron.