The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172873 Message #4192520
Posted By: Donuel
28-Nov-23 - 08:47 AM
Thread Name: MOAB's Daughter (of all BS) part 3
Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
I will name the iceberg Donueland and charge fees for tourists on the mystery cruise. It is spring and summer for the iceberg and it should last until winter when a second season is possible. Icebergs melt from the bottom up at a millimeter a second. At 1000 feet thick it could really last a long time. With any luck, I hope it eventually docks in the Seychelles but Australia is possible. Comon down and beat the heat of global warming. Up here this is the winter for discount tents so bring your tent and money for the improv restaurants via flights from South Africa.