The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172859   Message #4192816
Posted By: Steve Shaw
03-Dec-23 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: Trump CONVICTED - NO new Trump threads part III
Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
I'm not acting like anything, Maggie, and there's no need for that kind of hostility. I'm saying that no-one should be telling you to vote tactically, because telling you to do that is undemocratic. But it's perfectly democratic to vote that way if you so choose without pressure to do so from someone else (which is what I do). In democracies, discussion of the merits or otherwise of the contenders is the proper democratic way to persuade people. We fight long and hard for democracy and we should keep it that way. There's far too much ignorance among the electorate in your country, my country and lots of other western countries, and cynical exploitation of that ignorance is rife, which is why Trump and Johnson and the idiot in Argentina are possible. With an educated electorate there's no need to go down the slippery slope of saying, if you vote for A you'll let B in. We can work that out for ourselves and large numbers of people will do it anyway.

Charmion, national coalitions are not the norm in the UK. We've had just the one in my lifetime, the disaster of 2010 to 2015 which shat on working people, the health service and schools and which sowed the seeds for brexit.