The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172911   Message #4193536
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
14-Dec-23 - 07:49 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Revival Songs UK
Subject: RE: Folklore: Revival Songs UK
oh well if you're to bring in my American accent....its not like anybody ever listened in great numbers. long ago, i wrote that off as my private insanity.

my various accents, i tend to think of as my various accents as a neurotic alternative to being an ordinary human being.around. if someone in future if someone wants to sing

anyway, i'm 75 next month - the singing is all over now. a sort of experiment that didn't work out. i just think its time we stopped bossing each other about. lots of people aee moved to sing by listening to the yanks - let them get on with it.