The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4193724
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
16-Dec-23 - 10:07 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

Still feeling good! Left my happy home on Weds morning; stopped at bakery for wonderful muffins, scones and a quart of their wonderful quinoa salad for R; then to the cheese factory, a few miles away, for two 5kg loaves of extra old, white; Then to the shop, a few miles off the highway, that has the "best peanut butter cookies ever" and bought 4 packages for R; then into Kingston to find the LLBean store - with minimal difficulty, to purchase my new shoes after a try-on to be sure the new ones are, indeed, as wonderful as the old ones - They are!! -I wore them all day today and they are as comfy as my slippers! Like walking on air!

After the shoes, it was a straight run for 3 hours to walk into Dupont at 4:02! And unload car, and eat and a short lie down, then start organizing.

Thurs, a trip into an obscure part of the city to pick up lymph tonic - with the help of my phone which had readable directions but refused to speak to me - haven't figured that out yet though today we used it to go about an hour south to look at an interesting property and go to the Farmer's Market - close to each other. The Market venue is an incredible old church in Byzantine style! - so I just spent some time googling it! BUT, the market is tomorrow! I may go back... It is an hour each way...

Trip to the Bakery for desserts and visit with Geri. Will be offering to help her get car repaired - it is far for her and she will need to get home and then back to repair shop - when it can be arranged. No public transport down there.

Laundry is done, kitchen is under control. I managed to get all the goodies into the freezer. Tomorrow is yet to come! We are getting a couple above freezing days and then it drops again, but not a great deal.

At a small craft sale this am, a woman had hats, mittens and more out of recycled wool. Amazingly delightful designs. She gets wool garments at thrift shops and processes it. Her work is beyond "craft" towards art with her use of colours and designs. I got her card and be on the lookout for anything I can give her to recycle.

And I re-connected with an anglophone support group which may offer some interesting socializing.