The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4193980
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
20-Dec-23 - 07:40 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

R spent the weekend at home! He cleared the current boxes of books from the hallway to the "library". And helped me de-clutter - moral support is good!!! getting rid of boxes and jars!!! I feel lighter! And the hallway is easier to navigate. And no boxes of bottles under the DR chairs! I also did some organizing of the hall closet and took some things out to the garage.

Geri will not be getting the car repaired until after the NY so that is off my mind. R has not yet made a decision about whether we can go to beaver for a few days over Christmas to NY... I shall just go along as though nothing will happen.

Today I went to a "cookie exchange" - totally foreign to me. I put on one of my Christmas sweaters and dangly earrings - stars - found a nice star shaped plate (I hoped someone would love it and could get rid of it!) and bought cookies at an Italian deli.

I was overdressed! But it was a nice couple hours of social interaction, getting to know a bit about the 7 attenders. A very unique experience for me. For them too, no doubt, as I tried to answer their questions concisely! As in "where do you live?"...

Otherwise, mostly on the computer, reading and doing small tasks around the house as I think of them - and feel like doing whatever...

We are celebrating the solstice at the open mike at Mariposa Cafe tomorrow night.