The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4194213
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
24-Dec-23 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

Went to "Saturday BF" yesterday. Sat across from two Leons; the one with a fancy hearing aid showed me how it works and encouraged me to get a hearing device. The other kept saying, "You don't need a ..." I could hear him perfectly but not the other one very well - same distance, same background noise... Some people I hear perfectly, others... I will check it out in the New Year. Frequencies!!!

We are having Christmas supper with Cousin Doug and family. I asked R to ask Anne if we could bring dessert - so I would have something I like to eat! I doubt he has done so.

But this am he informs me he has a turkey! I guess I will cook it on Tuesday? "It's in the car - frozen" With the outdoor temp on the cusp of freezing ... Oh, yeah, the car is in the city... I did not yet ask where he got this turkey... He is having a quiet Sunday in bed. He needs it.

When he came home last night, his clothes looked as though he had been rolling in a dump. "Sawdust" "Sawdust is toxic too! ...Take them off and put them in the washing machine.... NOW!" "I want to eat." I blew a stack - "You do not go in the kitchen with those clothes"... and he took off the outer layer, agreeing to take a bath after he ate. I got up about 6 am and turned on the machine, and back to bed and put them in dryer about 8, took them up and dumped them on bed about 10. He said TY for each effort!

His Mom and Dad were both environmentally sensitive; He knows but refuses to behave accordingly -for me. Gotta get tough! ...tougher!