The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172962   Message #4194653
Posted By: GUEST
01-Jan-24 - 03:36 PM
Thread Name: Lankum - Guardian Album of the Year UK
Subject: RE: Lankum - Guardian Album of the Year UK
I tend to agree with many of your points sandman.
Back to the band Lankum, though, which was the original topic, have a look at their performance at the Mercury prize show, which went out on BBC and is available on iPlayer. The jazz band, who I thought were brilliant also by the way, got the gong, but if you haven’t heard or seen Lankum it would be interesting to have your thoughts. They were certainly a different flavour from the outfit on Jools Holland’s New Year show, who came over as a Pogues tribute act.
I’m old enough to remember the Pogues themselves debut, thinking ‘ isn’t this what we had Planxty and The Bothy Band to rid us of ?’
Happy new year !