The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172831   Message #4194921
Posted By: Steve Shaw
05-Jan-24 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hamas attacks Israel - part II
Subject: RE: BS: Hamas attacks Israel - part II
The glaringly obvious thing to would be to make all military aid to Israel completely and immediately conditional on a permanent ceasefire, along with a firm undertaking to withdraw from Gaza and the West Bank and to engage in serious talks, with a timetable, towards a two-state solution. Of course, this won't happen so let's not dwell. Suffice to say that putting bullets through people's heads never solves a thing.

Bibi's prime motive for keeping this horror show going is to save his own skin. If he calls it off before he "wins" (he's already lost), he'll end up in jail for corruption. Of course, he should end up in jail for war crimes in any case, but he'll be long dead before that can be achieved.