The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15508   Message #4194939
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
05-Jan-24 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: Twelfth Night songs?
Subject: RE: Twelfth Night songs?
The twelve days of the Christmas season, as counted by Catholics, Lutherans and maybe Episcopalians, are Dec 25 through Jan 5. Why the twelfth day was selected by the old timers for a big party is a mystery, but then, why not select it for a big party? It helps with the planning if it's a regular thing.

January 6 was traditionally the day that the wise men gave Jesus their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. That day is called Epiphany, not Twelfth Night, and epiphany means something like "spiritual awakening." Many churches now celebrate Epiphany on the nearest Sunday.

I think it's odd that the Christmas season does not include Dec 24th, when the shepherds saw the angels and churches everywhere are having an evening service and singing 'Angels We Have Heard on High' and 'O Holy Night.'

At my house, Jan 1st marked the return of my National Pointless Day party, so-called because there is no real reason to have a holiday on Jan 1st. We are the kind of people who did not get drunk the night before, and nobody is interested in football on the TV. We acknowledge that it is still the Christmas season, and we play Three Kings songs, add lots of percussion, and eat Middle Eastern snacks. National Pointless Day used to be a regular thing, but then Covid came along.

Although we consider ourselves an early-music group, we felt we couldn't end it without 'We Three Kings of Orient Are.'

Tomorrow, Jan 6th, is a Saturday. There's still time for you to organize a Three Kings party yourself.